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Listening to its partners and workers, the company TLS commits to carry out its activities with responsibility and ethics.

Its commitment to develop a social and environmental policy is expressed by the will of all to apply and to look at the respect of a code of conduct which based in particular on the SA8000 standard.

The selected standard recommends the compliance with the national legislation and the principles set up in the international instruments below, and with any other requirements to which the company subscribes including the Code of Conduct Carhartt.
    ILO Conventions and recommandations:
          - ILO Convention 1 (Hours of Work – Industry) and Recommendation 116 (Reduction of Hours of Work)
          - ILO Conventions 29 (Forced Labour) and 105 (Abolition of Forced Labour)
          - ILO Convention 87 (Freedom of Association)
          - ILO Convention 98 (Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining)
          - ILO Conventions 100 (Equal Remuneration) and 111 (Discrimination – Employment and Occupation)
          - ILO Convention 102 (Social Security - Minimum Standards)
          - ILO Convention 131 (Minimum Wage Fixing)
          - ILO Convention 135 (Workers’ Representatives)
          - ILO Convention 138 and Recommendation 146 (Minimum Age)
          - ILO Convention 155 and Recommendation 164 (Occupational Safety and Health)
          - ILO Convention 159 (Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment - Disabled Persons)
          - ILO Convention 169 (Indigenous and Tribal Peoples)
          - ILO Convention 177 (Home Work)
          - ILO Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labour)
          - ILO Convention 183 (Maternity Protection)
          - ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work
     Universal Declaration of Human Rights
     The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
     The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
     The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
     The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
     The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
     Tunisian Labor code.
     Collective bargaining agreement of the clothing and hosiery industry.
The shared values of the present code of conduct concern the requirements formulated by the contractors, as well as the requirements below, defined in the standard SA8000:

1- Child Labor :
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors, referring to the national and international laws consider the child labor as prohibited.

2- Forced and compulsory labour:
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors forbid all the form of forced and compulsory labor exerted by contract, servitude or any other ways.

3- Prohibition of harassment or abuse::
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors commit that all workers are treated with respect and dignity, and they aren’t subjected to corporal punishment, harassment or physical, sexual, psychological or verbal abuse.

4- Health and safety :
WIP LOGISTIQUE, its suppliers and subcontractors shall provide a safe and healthy workplace environment for the workers, in particular, by taking preventive measures to minimize and, so far as is reasonably practicable, to eliminate any potential risks for their health and safety

5- Environment:
TLS, suppliers and subcontractors commit to respect the rules, standards and regulations relating to the environment, which apply to their activities.

6- Freedom of association & right to collective bargaining:
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors support dialogue, exchange and collective bargaining between the Management, the representatives and all the workers.

7- Discrimination :
TLS, its subcontractors and suppliers commit to carry out an equal and respectful treatment for all the workers at every level.

8- Disciplinary practices :
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors commit to take the necessary disciplinary measures to maintain the order, while having, as a main target, a high level of behavior and performance of the workers.

9- Working hours :
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors attend to the respect of working time regulations, and to stand the necessary measures in case of accrued production.

10- Remuneration :
TLS, its suppliers and subcontractors commit to the respect of the regulations regarding the workers remuneration. This remuneration considers the minimum wage required by the law.

11- Ethics and prohibition of bribery and corruption:
TLS, suppliers and subcontractors commit that no payment, gift, gratuity or reward of any form ban be offered, directly or indirectly, to the employees of WIP LOGISTIQUE, related to the business transaction between them . WIP LOGISTIQUE, suppliers and subcontractors commit to not give or offer, directly or indirectly, a bribe, or other improper payment or benefit to influence individuals, organizations, agent or agency, political party or candidate, regardless that it is tolerated or justified.

12- Control of Suppliers/Subcontractors and Sub-Suppliers:
TLS ensures that its suppliers and subcontractors commit to meet the requirements above, through continued evaluation and monitoring process.

13- Addressing Concerns and Taking Corrective Action:
WIP LOGISTIQUE commits to provide confidential means for all workers to express their concerns and to report non-conformances within the company (to the company management), or outside if need be (Work inspection, VERITAS); and to handle and respond to these concerns with regard to SA8000 standard and law requirements.

14- Security and Customs Compliance :
WIP LOGISTIQUE, suppliers and subcontractors commit to comply with applicable customs law, in particular, laws regarding illegal transshipment of apparel products, and will maintain facility security procedures to guard against the introduction of non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (e.g. drugs, explosives, contraband).

15- Continuous Improvement and Zero Tolerance :
The WIP LOGISTIQUE approach revolves around its internal activities processes and its suppliers and subcontractors contacts, to tend to involve all its interested parties and stakeholders and to maintain a continued improvement of the performances and conditions to working.
In this purpose, WIP LOGISTIQUE commits to respect these requirements and to work with its suppliers and subcontractors to implement the necessary corrective actions to fulfill their compliance, provided that the involved issues do not represent Zero Tolerance dimensions with severe impact on individual rights and life safety.

16- Access for verification :
In the case of announced and unannounced audits of the company for the purpose of certifying its compliance with the requirements of SA8000 standard, TLS shall ensure access to its premises and to reasonable information required by the auditor.

Date : 01.01.2017
Riadh Mezlini
